Rolling Thunder Festival was a huge success!

Eggwork Productions is proud to have sponsored the first ever Rolling Thunder…a food truck wonder. Nearly 3,000 adults and more than a 1,000 kids packed Ellison Park on August 22, 2015 for a wonderful day of food trucks, music & kids’ activities. Watch this space for Eggwork’s forthcoming video summary of the day. Here’s a sample of some of the 18+ food trucks that made the event such a success:

Rochester Subway posted my guest blog about the Inner Loop

Eggwork is proud to sponsor Rolling Thunder: A Food Truck Wonder 8/22/15

Rolling Thunder poster


Continue reading Eggwork is proud to sponsor Rolling Thunder: A Food Truck Wonder 8/22/15

A prayer from a film to a projectionist

For those who remember working with film…

Found in a film can at Visual Studies Workshop.

A behind the scenes look at the Lyric Theatre, Rochester, NY

Didn’t get a chance to go to the opening concert last night at the Lyric Theatre, but I was able to get a sneak peak behind the scenes of this amazing new venue.


Continue reading A behind the scenes look at the Lyric Theatre, Rochester, NY