Free Eggwork Stock Video: Snapping Turtle climbs in and out of nest

Snapping Turtle climbs in and out of nest (2:32)

Meet Tina The Turtle. She was busy looking for a place to lay her eggs, I’m assuming, in the rocky surface of the Georgian Bay in Ontario Canada. Thanks for not snapping at my legs as I climbed the stairs just inches from your beak. I didn’t see you at all. I felt so bad for you because of all the mosquitoes. Look at them all trying to pierce your shell. Ha! Nice try, you foul bugs. Except for that one that landed in your eye, ouch. Be sure to scan to the end of the video to see Tina’s crazy dinosaur tail. Rock on, Tina! May your children survive the 10 yard crawl to the water.

This post also serves as an ‘OFFICE CLOSED’ sign as I’m planning a return trip to the Georgian Bay and won’t return until 7/15. Salud!

Captain the Cat says “Don’t Speak!”

Isabella loves her grass


Spaulding Gray reincarnated as Mitsu The Cat

I was cat-sitting for Mitsu when she attacked my Spaulding Gray poster. It occurred to me that this cat might be the reincarnation of one of my favorite people of all time. I choose to believe Spaulding would have enjoyed coming back to Earth as a feline. Happy Birthday, Spaulding.

The World's First Cat Video